A big hello to all our students from the Newsroom. Newsroom reporters have been hearing great things from our teachers on our new virtual classes. It seem's lots of new ways of teaching and learning are taking place! Well done to all and keep it up.
When we all finished up school, we told you to take care of yourselves and we hope you are! You've probably heard a lot on social media about Social Distance and how important it is right now. It's about keeping the right physical distance from each other so that we don't spread or catch the Coronavirus. The Newsroom is asking all our students and parents to watch the video below on how important Social Distancing is right now. We have one ask of you, PLEASE WATCH OUR VIDEO AND SHARE IT. We care about you guys and we know you care about the people in your life too. So, please watch our video and play your part in making you and everyone safe.
Is the school open at any stage my son hasn’t got his books