Exciting news from our Transition Year class! Today, our students got a taste of real-world politics. With Ireland's big General Election happening tomorrow, the class held their own mini-election.
Students learned about Ireland's special voting system called PRSTV. This system is known for being one of the fairest ways to vote. Each student got to fill out a ballot just like grown-ups will do tomorrow.
After all the votes were counted using the quota system, two parties came out on top: Labour and Sinn Fein. It was a close race!
What did the students think about Ireland's voting system? Many found it interesting and fair. One student said, "It's cool that we can rank our choices instead of just picking one."
Want to see more? Check out our video from this morning's class to hear what else the students had to say about voting in Ireland.
Remember, tomorrow is the real General Election where Irish people will choose their new members of parliament and the next government. It's an important day for the country!